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Boston Community Organizer

Allied Scholars for Animal Protection

Allied Scholars for Animal Protection

United States

Campaigns, corporate engagement, or volunteer management

Operations, administration, or HR






Volunteer management

Mgmt responsibilities: 


Date posted:



About the Role

We are looking for a HIGHLY motivated and detail-oriented candidate to organize events and help ASAP chapters grow locally.

Our goal:

We want a STRONG weekly presence in Harvard and MIT. We want to find all the vegan and veg curious students and build a strong and active community.

You will ensure there are posters up twice a week in both universities. Posters of "Veganism is a Moral Urgency" (invitation to join ASAP) and posters for all other events.

You will organize extra movie nights, such as Cowspiracy, The Game Changer, etc. You can do these in MIT, or Harvard, or do mutual events.

You will help with booking rooms and ordering food for the events if necessary.

You will help us organize talks and invite local speakers like some Harvard professors.

You will organize global movie nights.

You will table and organize events to identify other vegans and get them them join ASAP, and inspire them to dedicate their lives to effective animal advocacy.

The time commitment would be between 5-10 hours per week.
Pay can be on an hourly or salary basis.

Being a student or recent graduate is a plus.

Qualities we are looking for:

Be communicative and responsive through email and text.

Be mission-driven and ready to take the initiative.

Be proactive.

Be organized, with attention to detail. This sounds like a cliché but there are going to be forms, QR codes, posters, etc. and we want to make sure all the details are double checked carefully, and deadlines are met.

Experience with outreach and organizing events is highly preferred.

This is not a typical job and we highly value the motivation and drive to end animal exploitation.

We don't see our work as an 8-5 job and animal liberation is our life's mission. We are looking for working with people with the same vision and drive.

About the Organisation


Animal Advocacy Careers (AAC) is an organisation that seeks to address the career and talent bottlenecks in the animal advocacy movement, especially the farmed animal movement. Animal Advocacy Careers, Inc. is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organisation (EIN: 86-1554905). Contributions to Animal Advocacy Careers, Inc. are tax-deductible in the United States.

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