Mar 153 min

Animal law resources

Updated: Mar 25

This post on Effective Altruism Forum provides an overview of resources for individuals interested in pursuing careers in US government and policy. It highlights three main resources: Go Government from the Partnership for Public Service, and 80,000 Hours Guides. 

Advocates for Animals is the first U.K. law firm dedicated to animal protection. It is a not-for-profit and works with animal groups, activists, and individuals in various legal areas, including judicial review, criminal prosecutions, and undercover investigations. It also has a media hub with many useful resources, including case summaries. 

The Harvard Law School Library's Animal Law Research guide is a great resource to learn about important laws and academic materials related to animal issues. It helps understand the laws about animal rights and welfare in the United States and worldwide.

The Animal Legal Defense Fund website briefly explains the laws that protect animals in the United States. These laws are at the federal, state, and local levels. The website discusses important federal laws like the Animal Welfare Act, the Humane Slaughter Act, and the Endangered Species Act. It also explains how state and local laws are important for animal welfare. This is a useful resource for people who want to understand the laws that protect animals and the rights of animals in the U.S.

The UCLA Law Library's Animal Law Research Guide is an essential resource for exploring animal law and advocacy. It offers various readings across intersecting fields like philosophy, cultural, and environmental studies. The guide covers topics including animal rights, welfare debates, legal standing, and the intersection of animal law with domestic and gender studies. This makes it a valuable starting point for anyone new to animal law.

The UCLA Law Library's Animal Law Research Guide is an important tool for learning about animal law and how people advocate for animals. It has many different readings on philosophy, culture, and the environment. The guide talks about animal rights, debates about how animals are treated, and even how animal law connects with studies about families and gender. This is a great place to begin your research if you’re just starting with animal law.

The article from the Animal Law Legal Center at Michigan State University College of Law, written by Alexis Andrews in 2023, talks about the problems faced by laws that protect farmed animals in the United States. It discusses how these laws were created, the legal rules that support them, and the conditions on farms that these laws try to improve. The article also looks at important legal issues and court cases, like the Supreme Court's National Pork Producers Council v. Ross, which help us understand how complicated it can be to make laws protecting farmed animals.

The Vermont Law and Graduate School's Animal Law and Policy Institute website gives you a look into career possibilities in the field of animal law and policy. It shows how this area has been growing and lists jobs for people who want to help animals. These jobs include lawyers, people who try to influence laws (called lobbyists), and experts who advise both nonprofit organisations and the government. People who graduated from this institute work in different places, like animal advocacy, wildlife protection, and the environment. The website also has job listings and helpful information for those wanting a career in animal law and policy. It's a great resource if you're considering working in this field.

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